The Tower

The Tower

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Mike and I at The Edge!

So after many weeks of preparing, traveling, studying, and all around work for school, I was finally able to do some climbing. And I had some company.  Some of you may remember my buddy Mike from school. I posted a few months ago about him climbing in the great state of Washington while he was doing is internship. We had been planning to do some climbing for a long time, and we finally found the opportunity to.

Due to weather conditions, we were forced to stay indoors. It didn't really matter to us, we were just psyched to climb. So we traveled to The Edge, Halfmoon climbing gym.  We arrived at 9:00 (when they open) they were unlocking the doors as soon as we were walking in. Perfect timing.  I knew it would be a good day, just due to the variety of climbs (bouldering, lead, top rope) and the different levels of difficulty. I just so happened to have my rope in the car, so there was no need in renting one when we wanted to lead.

We started off bouldering. Nice V1-V2 climbs just to get the blood flowing and stretch.  Mike was new to lead climbing, so we had a quick tutorial on clipping, belaying and overall techniques.  We did some rounds with the assistance of the guys who work there, then we were all on our own.  We were both ecstatic! Neither one of us have climbed in quite some time, so it was great just to be in the atmosphere of it all.

Although the differential in weight was there. Mike was a great belayer. We tackled some nice 5.8 and 5.9 climbs, which we thought was an achievement due to our absence of any type of climbing.  Our arms were pumped quickly, and our grip was quickly shot.  So we took a short break, munched down on some power-bars and went after some more lead climbs and top roping.  We started with a 5.10 and worked our way down to a 5.7, with hardly any breaks in between. We then had another short intermission, and ended our day with some great bouldering.

On gloomy drizzly days, this place get packed. It started with a half a dozen late morning.  Then by early afternoon, there must have been nearly 50 people there. It's great to see the intensity and popularity of this sport!!! Below are just some pictures towards the end of the day: