The Tower

The Tower

Saturday, January 24, 2015

The Return

As many of you can see, it's been quite a long time since I last wrote anything on this blog. I have recently made changes to it and am going to make a valiant attempt in keeping it up to date. I plan on climbing much more this year. More bouldering and possibly a few multi-pitch climbs.

I first want to congratulate Tommy and Kevin on their ascent of The Dawn Wall. Most everyone knows what they have done due to the media coverage, but many common people do not understand hat they had really done. As a fellow climber, their feat was nothing short of amazing in my eyes. They are a true inspiration, not just to climbers, but those chasing their dreams. Again, congratulations guys!

As of now I have been working hard in the gym in gaining strength, mainly pulling and grip in hopes to really increase the difficulty in climbs I can accomplish, as well as the length of time I can climb. I am really anxious to the new season and taking my climbing to another level.

Not only is it a physically demanding sport that I'm prepping for. But the stability, motion, flexibility and overall clear mentality aspect that climbing has to offer, is sometimes difficult to accomplish. Therefore, I have turned to different training methods.

I can't wait to get back out on the rock and into nature.

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