The Tower

The Tower

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


For the few people who may start jumping on this band wagon and start following me and my friends climbing, this next story is quite entertaining.

After years of contemplation, I had finally decided to build this climbing shed of mine (the one shown below in my first post) However, things needed to be done before I could begin. First and foremost, I needed to convince my parents. Once I had the ok from them, I could begin.
But I wanted o know what limitation I was working with so I emailed the TOWN of Johnstown Code Enforcer. And he explained I could go as high as 25'.

So by using my dads truck, I started the week of my sisters birthday back in the beginning of October, bringing in crushed stone for the base. I then constructed the floor and walls. Within a few days the first phase was complete. Whenever I came home on the weekends in between school, within a few weeks of building by myself plus a helping hand from my father every now and then. It was 15+ feet high.

Placing the roof was challenging and scary, but with help from my good buddy Tom, we did it and the shelter was enclosed.
I worked endlessly on the inside and finally had completed my variations of angled walls and ceilings. IT'S COMPLETE! I HAVE A CLIMBING SHED IN MY BACK YARD! I was ecstatic.

BUT!..... this story does not quite have a happy ending.
Someone in my neighborhood had complained about my shack. Who/Why/ Or to What purpose would someone do something like that?

The fire department had stopped and looked it over. A few things where of concern:

1. The shed is roughly 2' from our existing tool shed (code has it set to a minimum of 5' from property line and other "sheds")
no problem, we can move the other shed (it's easier than you think)

2. The shed is 22' high. (code has it set to 12' Height restrictions!!!!!!!)

My mistake prior to construction, I emailed the TOWN of Johnstown, and I live in the CITY.


Therefore, I'm filing for a zone variance. The zoning board meets every third thursday of the month. So my next chance to get it passed will meet with them on MAY 24.

Keep your fingers crossed in hopes I can keep it at the height it's at. If I can't, I'll have to find other alternatives.

You may be asking, "Is it all worth this hassle?"

Below are just a few pictures of what makes it worth it:

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